Sunday, August 28, 2011


Rainy day. got drenched this afternoon, suffering from migraine. :(
Not feeling really healthy recently due to some unneccessary stress which affects my sleep and increase my blood pressure.  I have many things on my mind...especially about work. How i wish and prayed really hard that my next working environment will be something healthier, exciting, positive and definitely somewhere i'm able able to built my path on.

 Happiness is a choice, but when things happened so drastically, i need alittle time to digest everything. Somehow i've set my mind up to make that decision. I felt i wasnt myself for these while, being worked in retail industry for many years soon after i graduated, i thought i could set my career on this current one, but it does not. It is no longer that particular issue but what makes things more visible to me of things happened. The people working around u seriously will make ur working environment either a heaven on earth or a living hell.. Most of the time u do have to face all, because it's a company and u don't work alone u see..

I get along well with my colleagues but u see at the end of the day, the motive that every single person gets is different. It range from ur paycheck? Jobscope? Relationship? Or even some "evil or selfish" desires? or even Ego?
Afterall we are basically standing together to something we disagree at the same time. I do felt it wasnt any sincere or genuine relationship built towards each other. i get to know some things from someone... Human just love to contradict themselves.. haha...

I miss my old times when a team really worked as a team openly sharing and resolve conflicts.
I have something that i seriously disagree and feel it's pissing me off & i wont share it on my blog...
I trust no one now... scary..I will stand firm with my decisions.

All I want from my work is to glorify God's goodness and wisdom for me. One that is able to testify Him.
Lord, i know i'll be strengthened through u. Nothing is impossible for me and in You.

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